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Will We See You Soon @ BTSN?

Hey fellow Jenks parents👋,

So, here we are, we got a lot of information in a few different places and we'd like to break it all down right here. Let's keep it brief. 📅9/28/23 5:30pm-7pm doors open at 5:00.

There 👏 is 👏 childcare👏

If you didn't get the flyer, for $5 your kid will be whisked away downstairs for 🍕pizza🍕 and playing with their friends. MUST to go to Jenks. Only 100 kids. Drop off in large schoolyard starting at 5:00 and pickup at 6:45 so we can all go home.

Ms. Douglas is going to give everyone a big rundown of last year and upcoming for this year. This includes what they are 🎒learning, 🏫building changes, 📄tests, ♟extracurriculars, needs of the school, etc. She will have a Q&A at the end.

We'll all be separating to head off to the 🪑classrooms 📓 and meet the teachers of our kids where we will get a much shorter rundown of what their day to day looks like.

On the way to those rooms there will be tables.

HSA table

We'll have membership 📰forms, answer questions, & be having...

50/50🎫🎫 Raffle BRING CASH

📢winner announced over PA system 📢 @ 630pm MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN

👖👚Lightly used uniform table 👗👕

Did you just realize your kid never puts their laundry where it needs to go and you still can't find uniforms in your house when you know you just put away clean ones yesterday? PICK UP SOME EXTRA. Free. (From now until BTSN please bring what you don't need anymore, we'll take them. Please drop off outside the HSA office.)

While it may seem like something extra, and you don't think you may get a lot out of'd be surprised. You may even get the phone number of your kids best-friend-of-the-month's parent so you can actually plan stuff together.

We really hope to see you there.

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