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Behind-the-scenes Pumpkin Messages

Hey there!

As the pumpkin message fundraiser is coming to an end we want to say, "Thank you!" As of today we managed to raise over $500! Over 80 families purchased pumpkin messages. This enabled us to pay for all of the decorations and activities at the first ever AS Jenks Halloween party, which was organized by the staff and teachers.

Today, we want to break down the work that goes into this particular fundraiser.

- We create and print the flyers that go home to families.

-We count the money and manage the financials with bookkeeping for updated treasurer reports presented at our meetings.

-We must purchase the supplies for making the pumpkins (tape, markers, paper, templates).

-We cut pumpkins out on a die cutter machine.

-Flyers come in for the names to be written onto the pumpkins. Names are written and pumpkins are sorted by classroom.

-Finally, it's time to take the pumpkins and post them on the correct classroom doors!

Whew! 😂

Luckily, we had some help! Special thank you’s to Joanne and Erica T. for assistance in writing out "To's and From's" and to Meg for doing a TON!

There are lots of little steps in the process. As "Pumpkin Messages" and "Valentines Messages" are continuous month-long fundraisers, we can always use a few extra hands to lighten the load.

If you have been looking for ways to help out, but can’t commit to much, consider this a great way to participate. Cut up some pumpkins or hearts with us. Pick up a few sheets of paper to write and drop them back off. If you have a random morning to spare a half-hour to an hour, you can hang shout outs.

We hope that by giving a more step-by-step rundown of each of these events you might find a bite-sized way to help bring a little extra joy to the kids (and help another parent or two find an extra 15 mins).

If you haven't joined the HSA as an official member, please take the time to do so. All you have to do is go to the link above, "Join the HSA", and you'll be connected to the wonderful network of parents who are already members.

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